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Yo Mama so Fat Jokes

Showing 91 to 120 of 488 Yo Mama so Fat Jokes
Yo mama's so fat that when she takes a shower her feet don't get wet.
Yo mama's so fat that when you get on top of her your ears pop.
Yo mama's so fat when she is having sex, her partner doesen't know if it's in her butt or her boobs!
Yo mama's so fat when she sits in a chair, the rolls on her legs, cover her feet like a blanket.
Yo mama's so fat when the police showed her a picture of her feet, she couldn't identify them.
Yo mama's so fat, her ass looks like two pigs fighting over a milk dud.
Yo mama's so fat, if she got her shoes shined, she'd have to take his word for it!

Funny Yo Mama so Fat Jokes

Yo mama's so fat, she could go a week without eating and still not lose weight.
Yo mama's so fat, she got a sign on her ass that says "This woman makes wide right turns."
Yo mama's so fat, she has her own area code.
Yo mama's so fat, she has to put her belt on with a boomerang.
Yo mama's so fat, she needs a bookmark to find her necklace.
Yo mama's so fat, she wears pillow cases for socks.
Yo mama's so fat, she's half Indian, half Irish, and half American.
Yo mama's so fat, we got her in the drive-in free by dressing her as a Chevy.

More Hilarious Yo Mama so Fat Jokes

Yo mama's so fat, when I climbed up on top of her, I burned my ass on the lightbulb.
Yo mama's so fat, when I finished having sex with her and tried to roll off, I was still on her.
Yo mama's so fat, when she brought her dress to the cleaners, they said "Sorry, we don't do curtains."
Yo mama's so fat, when she goes to a restaurant, she doesn't get a menu, she gets an estimate.
Yo mama's so thick she stared at a juice bottle because it said concentrate.
Yo mama's fat that whenever she gets a surgery the surgeons use mining equipment!
Yo mama's is so fat that when sits on the toilet her legs go numb.
Yo mama's so fat "Place Your Ad Here" is printed on each of her butt cheeks.

Even More Yo Momma to Jokes Enjoy

Yo mama's so fat a scienctist found her foot print and thought he discovered a new species.
Yo mama's so fat after she got off the carousel, the horse limped for a week.
Yo mama's so fat and her back is so crooked, when she lays down...people say "I didn't know we had mountains."
Yo mama's so fat each part of her body has a different postcode.
Yo mama's so fat her 2 butt cheeks look like 2 pigs fighting over a milk dud!
Yo mama's so fat her ass has it's own time zone.
Yo mama's so fat her ass looks like two pigs fighting over a milk dud.

Still More Yo Mama Jokes to Explore

I highly respect yo momma, and I think she's a wonderful person! You should never, ever joke about your mother in the way described on this page!

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