Are you looking for Yo Mama Feet Jokes? Here you will find a large collection of the funniest, most insulting and best Yo Mama Feet Jokes you can find on the web! These funny Yo Momma jokes about feet can be rude, mean, dirty, nasty, stupid and dark but also very funny, silly and entertaining. Our list of funny Yo mama jokes will lead to laughter. Be sure to read them all. Laugh more and live longer!
Yo mama is so poor when someone threw a cigarette in her yard she said "clap your hands stomp your feet thank you lord we got heat".
Yo mama so fat all she wanted for Christmas is to see her feet.
Yo mama so fat she can't touch her feet.
Yo mama so short, you can see her feet on her drivers licence.
Yo mama so tall she can sit on the London bridge and soak her feet!
Yo mama's feet are so big that her shoes need to have license plates on them!
Yo mama's house is so dirty that she has to wipe her feet before she goes outside.
Yo mama's house so dirty she has to wipe her feet before she goes outside.
Yo mama's so fat she's 36-24-36... but that's in feet.
Yo mama's so fat that when she takes a shower her feet don't get wet.
Yo mama's so fat when she sits in a chair, the rolls on her legs, cover her feet like a blanket.
Yo mama's so fat when the police showed her a picture of her feet, she couldn't identify them.
Yo mama's so royal, even the queen of England kisses her feet!
Yo mama's so short that when she sat on the curb her feet didn't touch the ground.
Yo mama's so short that you can see her feet on her drivers license!
Yo mamma's so short, when she sits on the kurb her feet dangle.
Yo momma feet are so big her shoes have to have license plates!
Yo momma got two feet growing out her boobies, she can fall down and keep on running!
Yo momma house so dirty she has to wipe her feet before she goes outside.
Yo momma so ugly they only wanted her feet for the freak show.
Yo momma's so fat her feet don't get wet in the shower.
Yo momma's so fat when she sits down, she's three feet taller.
Yo momma's so poor when I asked her what was for dinner she put her feet on the table and said, "Corn."
I highly respect yo momma, and I think she's a wonderful person! You should never, ever joke about your mother in the way described on this page!
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