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Yo Mama Doctor Who Jokes

Showing 31 to 43 of 43 Yo Mama Doctor Who Jokes
Yo momma's so fat the crack in the wall appeared because she jumped.
Yo momma's so fat the doctor had to rip a hole in time and space to get her out of the house.
Yo momma's so heartless the cybermen thought she was one of them!
Yo momma's so old the face of boe calls her grandma.
Yo momma's so slow the weeping angels didn't get her cause they thought she was already stone.
Yo momma's so stupid she doesn't know the difference between a time-lord and a time-agent.
Yo momma's so stupid she makes Jackie Tyler look like Martha Jones.

Funny Yo Mama Doctor Who Jokes

Yo momma's so stupid she thought a dalek was a polish dessert.
Yo momma's so ugly a dalek once exterminated his only eye when it saw her.
Yo momma's so ugly even cassandra wouldn't look at her.
Yo momma's so ugly The Silence wouldn't even keep her head.
Yo mother’s so stupid she thought the sonic screwdriver was made with vodka, orange juice and hedgehog.
Yo mumma....does not exist because timelords are conceived in looms and not through traditional means.

I highly respect yo momma, and I think she's a wonderful person! You should never, ever joke about your mother in the way described on this page!

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