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Yo Mama Like Jokes

Are you looking for Yo Mama Like Jokes? Here you will find a large collection of the funniest, most insulting and best Yo Mama Like Jokes you can find on the web! These funny Yo Momma jokes about like can be rude, mean, dirty, nasty, stupid and dark but also very funny, silly and entertaining. Our list of funny Yo mama jokes will lead to laughter. Be sure to read them all. Laugh more and live longer!

Showing 1 to 30 of 153 Yo Mama Like Jokes
Yo mama is like a bag of potato chips, “Free-To-Lay.”
Yo mama is like a basketball hoop, everybody gets a shot.
Yo mama is like a bowling ball, she always winds up in the gutter.
Yo mama is like a bus, guys climb on and off her all day long.
Yo mama is like a carpenter’s dream – flat as a board and easy to nail.
Yo mama is like a Christmas tree, everybody hangs balls on her.
Yo mama is like a Discover card, she gives cash back.

Funny Yo Mama Like Jokes

Yo mama is like a door knob, everybody gets a turn.
Yo mama is like a fine restaurant, she only takes deliveries in the rear.
Yo mama is like a goalie – she only changes her pads after three periods.
Yo mama is like a hockey player; she only showers after three periods.
Yo mama is like a light switch, even a little kid can turn her on.
Yo mama is like a mail box, open day and night.
Yo mama is like a microwave, press one button and she’s hot.
Yo mama is like a paper towel, she picks up all kinds of slimy wet stuff.

More Hilarious Yo Mama Like Jokes

Yo mama is like a slaughter house – everybody’s hanging their meat up in her.
Yo mama is like a telephone, even a 3 year old can pick her up.
Yo mama is like a turtle – once she’s on her back she’s fucked.
Yo mama is like an ATM, open 24 hours.
Yo mama is like Dominoes Pizza, one call does it all.
Yo mama is like Pizza Hut – if she isn’t there in 30 minutes… it’s Free!
Yo mama is like railroad tracks she get laid all over the country.
Yo mama is like the new AOL 4.0: Fun, Fast, Easy and Free!

Even More Yo Momma to Jokes Enjoy

Yo mama is like the sun, look at her too long and you’ll go blind.
Yo mama like a TV even a 3 year old can turn her on.
Yo Mama's like a library, open to the public.
Yo mama's like a squirrel, she's always got some nuts in her mouth.
Yo mama's like Crazy Eddie, she's practically giving it all away.
Yo Mama's like the back freezer in a butcher store. Beef comes in and out all the time!
Yo mama's like 7-11, she's open 24 hours, hot to go, and will give me a slurpy for 50 cents.

Still More Yo Mama Jokes to Explore

I highly respect yo momma, and I think she's a wonderful person! You should never, ever joke about your mother in the way described on this page!

Do you have a funny joke about like that you would like to share? Click here to submit your joke!

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