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Yo Mama Anime Jokes

Showing 61 to 90 of 140 Yo Mama Anime Jokes
Yo mama's so fat she uses Sasori's puppets as bath toys.
Yo mama's so fat she won against Haku because his ice mirrors couldn't fit around her.
Yo mama's so fat that even Madara can't revive her.
Yo mama's so fat that even....uhmm...i forgot lol!
Yo mama's so fat that it took the entire Dragon Ball Z crew 1 week just to lift her off the ground.
Yo mama's so fat that she tried to eat someone dressed as a box of Pocky!
Yo mama's so fat that she was mistaken for Mt. Fuji at the Sakura festival.

Funny Yo Mama Anime Jokes

Yo mama's so fat that the Dragon Ball Z crew uses her to make craters on set.
Yo mama's so fat that when she sat down on a park bench, she caused the Naruto timeskip.
Yo mama's so fat that when she stepped on the scale, her weight was OVER 9000!!!
Yo mama's so fat that when she walked past the Tv Goku had already finished charging his spirit bomb.
Yo mama's so fat that when she walks the Red Line breaks.
Yo mama's so fat when Hidan licked her blood, he swore it tasted like Ragu.
Yo mama's so fat. Her, and her Gigai take up all of Tokyo.
Yo mama's so hairy and ugly that she got used as Ashitare's stunt double.

More Hilarious Yo Mama Anime Jokes

Yo mama's so hairy Naruto thought she was a Summon.
Yo mama's so old and fat they use her wrinkles as set terrain for Dragon Ball Z.
Yo mama's so old Orochimaru wants to know her secret or asks if that sounds better.
Yo mama's so old she sat behind Yamamoto in 3rd grade.
Yo mama's so so stupid she makes Luffy look like a genius.
Yo mama's so stupid she thought Kenpachi was a pirate.
Yo mama's so stupied she is the only one imune to aizen shikai.
Yo mama's so U-G-L-Y that light had to right her do on his deathnote!

Even More Yo Momma to Jokes Enjoy

Yo mama's so ugly even Big mom in a critical life or death condition refused to eat her!
Yo mama's so ugly even Sanji wrecked her!
Yo mama's so ugly even Tamaki wouldn't hit on her.
Yo mama's so ugly even Urahara wont look at her.
Yo mama's so ugly Jiraiya saw her and turned gay!
Yo mama's so ugly Orochimaru thought she was a man and hit on her.
Yo mama's so ugly people mistake her for a zoan DF user.

Still More Yo Mama Jokes to Explore

I highly respect yo momma, and I think she's a wonderful person! You should never, ever joke about your mother in the way described on this page!

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